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How It Works

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How Puzzle Library Works

Puzzle Libraries are a great way for friends and neighbors to maintain community in a safe way by sharing their puzzles.

Someone in your town (why not you?) creates and runs a Puzzle Library for others to join.
This person provides a physical location where folks can drop off and pick up puzzles. This can be your front porch, church, local library, city hall, or any place that keeps the puzzles dry and protected. (we have a cabinet outside our church doors)

It is up to you to keep your puzzle library a small affair among your friends, or promote it however you want around your town. Great ways to let the town know about your puzzle swap is to call or email your mayor, school principal, police chief, church pastor, senior center director, or anyone else that wants to maintain community involvement and can help spread the word.
Since it's a wonderful community activity, they will most likely be very supportive.

You can join a library by creating a user account and choosing which library near you to join.
You log on to see all the puzzles, add your own puzzles to share, and check out puzzles to make.
After you pick up a puzzle and make it, you check it back in and return it to the library location for someone else to enjoy. While you're there, you can pick up the next puzzle that you checked out.

Please see the FAQ page for answers to questions you might have.
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